Mapping Type to Prefab,Text,PfUiSTTextQuizDB,,,,,,, Mapping Type to Prefab,Image,PfUiSTImageQuizDB,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ID,Age/Grade," PS - Physical science LS - Life Science ESS - Earth and Space Science ETS - Engineering, Technology, and Application of Science Category","Sub- Category",Question,Answers/Distractors,"Correct Answer","Level 1 (6-10) Level 2 (10 and up)","Ques Type (image +text)",URL 1,,ESS,Volcano,What type of molten rock spews out during a volcanic eruption?,,,,, ,,,,,Firestone.,,,, ,,,,,Crater.,,,, ,,,,,Lava.,x,,, ,,,,,Geyser.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 2,,ESS,Volcano,"During an eruption, how hot can lava generally get?",,,,, ,,,,,111 degrees Celsius.,,,, ,,,,,"101,000 degrees Celsius.",,,, ,,,,,1200 degrees Celsius.,x,,, ,,,,,-110 degrees Celsius.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 3,,ESS,Volcano,What type of rock is formed when lava or magma cools down?,,,,, ,,,,,Sedimentary rock.,,,, ,,,,,Igneous rock.,x,,, ,,,,,Metamorphic rock.,,,, ,,,,,Lava rock.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 4,,ETS ,Math,A parallelogram is a four-sided shape with both pairs of opposite sides parallel to one another. Which of the following shapes is not a parallelogram?,,,,, ,,,,,Rhombus.,,,, ,,,,,Trapezoid.,x,,, ,,,,,Rectangle.,,,, ,,,,,Square.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 5,,ETS ,Math,"In mathematics, a fraction represents ___________.",,,,, ,,,,,Parts of a whole.,x,,, ,,,,,An entire object.,,,, ,,,,,The sum of the parts.,,,, ,,,,,None of the above.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 6,,ETS ,Inventors,Who patented the first incandescent light bulb and is commonly referred to as its inventor?,,,,, ,,,,,Benjamin Franklin.,,,, ,,,,,Alexander Graham Bell.,,,, ,,,,,Thomas Edison.,x,,, ,,,,,Nikola Tesla.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 7,,PS,PS- Forces,"On a roller coaster, what is the name of the force that keeps people in their seats when going through a loop?",,,,, ,,,,,Centripetal.,x,,, ,,,,,Kinetic.,,,, ,,,,,Gravity.,,,, ,,,,,Frictional.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 8,,ESS,PS,Where do earthquakes occur?,,,,, ,,,,,Along fault lines and plate edges.,x,,, ,,,,,Along rivers and streams.,,,, ,,,,,Between urban and rural areas.,,,, ,,,,,In the middle of the Earth’s plates.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 9,,ESS,PS,"Pompeii, an ancient city in Italy, was destroyed by what natural disaster?",,,,, ,,,,,Earthquake.,,,, ,,,,,Volcanic eruption.,x,,, ,,,,,Hurricane.,,,, ,,,,,Blizzard.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 10,,ETS,Math,"Which number represents pi (π), rounded to the nearest hundredth?",,,,, ,,,,,3.01,,,, ,,,,,3.14,x,,, ,,,,,3.24,,,, ,,,,,3.15,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 11,,PS,Matter,What are the three states of matter?,,,,, ,,,,,"Earth, wind, and fire.",,,, ,,,,,"Hot, cold, and wet.",,,, ,,,,,"Light, sound, and ultraviolet.",,,, ,,,,,"Solid, liquid, and gas.",x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 12,,"PS, ESS",,What common periodic element makes up about 47% of the Earth’s crust and core?,,,,, ,,,,,Helium.,,,, ,,,,,Neon.,,,, ,,,,,Krypton.,,,, ,,,,,Oxygen.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 13,,ETS,,Benjamin Franklin’s famous kite and key experiment led to important advances in understanding ___________?,,,,, ,,,,,Electricity.,x,,, ,,,,,Water.,,,, ,,,,,Air.,,,, ,,,,,Light.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 14,,ETS,,Which is an example of a bridge we commonly see today? (Hint: The Golden Gate Bridge in California is an example of one),,,,, ,,,,,Floatation.,,,, ,,,,,Suspension.,x,,, ,,,,,Adjoining.,,,, ,,,,,Swaying.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 15,,ETS,,Modern-day engineers often use CAD software to develop designs and blueprints for buildings or objects. What does the abbreviation CAD stand for?,,,,, ,,,,,Computer Aided Design.,x,,, ,,,,,Complex Assisted Drawings.,,,, ,,,,,Computer Art Drawings.,,,, ,,,,,Chief Architecture Design.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 16,,ETS,,Why do golf balls have dimples?,,,,, ,,,,,To better grip the putting tee.,,,, ,,,,,To look durable and long-lasting.,,,, ,,,,,To help golfers find them on the putting green.,,,, ,,,,,To help the balls fly farther through the air.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 17,,PS,,All magnets have two distinct poles. What are these poles called?,,,,, ,,,,,North and south.,x,,, ,,,,,Positive and negative.,,,, ,,,,,East and west.,,,, ,,,,,Charged and not-charged.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 18,,LS,,Why do animals hibernate?,,,,, ,,,,,To survive long periods when food is scarce .,x,,, ,,,,,To get some 'me' time.,,,, ,,,,,They are tired of being cold.,,,, ,,,,,So they can eat lots of food.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 19,,PS,,"When a gas is turned into a liquid, the process is called…",,,,, ,,,,,Condensation.,x,,, ,,,,,Evaporation.,,,, ,,,,,Deposition.,,,, ,,,,,Sublimation.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 20,,ESS,,Which of the following parts of the sun is easily visible only during a total solar eclipse?,,,,, ,,,,,Core.,,,, ,,,,,Sunspots.,,,, ,,,,,Photosphere.,,,, ,,,,, Corona.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 21,,ESS,,Earth's seasons are caused by which of the following? ,,,,, ,,,,,The tilt of the earth's rotation relative to the ecliptic as the Earth revolves around the sun.,x,,, ,,,,,The varying amount of sunspot activity.,,,, ,,,,,The Earth's orbit around the sun as an eclipse rather than a circle.,,,, ,,,,,The rotation of during a 24-hour day.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 22,,PS,,Which of the following elements is a metal?,,,,, ,,,,,S,,,, ,,,,,Se,,,, ,,,,,I,,,, ,,,,,Ga,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 23,,LS,,Pollination by birds is called…,,,,, ,,,,,Autogamy.,,,, ,,,,,Ornithophily.,x,,, ,,,,,Entomophily.,,,, ,,,,,Anemophily.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 24,,LS,,What is the fastest-running terrestrial animal?,,,,, ,,,,,Cheetah.,x,,, ,,,,,Lion.,,,, ,,,,,Man.,,,, ,,,,,Jaguar.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 25,,PS,,The study of phenomena at very low temperatures is called…,,,,, ,,,,,Morphology.,,,, ,,,,,Crystallography.,,,, ,,,,,Heat transfer.,,,, ,,,,,Cryogenics.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 26,,PS,,Which of the following is primarily composed of calcium carbonate? ,,,,, ,,,,,Fish scales.,,,, ,,,,,Shark teeth.,,,, ,,,,,Oyster shells.,x,,, ,,,,,Whale bones.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 27,,LS,,"Yeast, used in making bread, is a...",,,,, ,,,,,Fungus.,x,,, ,,,,,Plant.,,,, ,,,,,Bacteria.,,,, ,,,,,Seed.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 28,,PS,,A gas used as a disinfectant in drinking water is…,,,,, ,,,,,Hydrogen.,,,, ,,,,,Oxygen.,,,, ,,,,,Fluorine.,,,, ,,,,,Chlorine.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 29,,PS,,Thermometer is related to degree in the same way as clock is related to…,,,,, ,,,,,Temperature.,,,, ,,,,,Hour.,x,,, ,,,,,Tower.,,,, ,,,,,Time Travel.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 30,,ESS,,There are rings around which of the following planets?,,,,, ,,,,,Uranus.,,,, ,,,,,Mars.,,,, ,,,,,Saturn.,x,,, ,,,,,Jupiter.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 31,,ESS,,A solar eclipse occurs when…,,,,, ,,,,,The sun comes in between the moon and the earth.,,,, ,,,,,The earth comes in between the sun and the moon.,,,, ,,,,,The moon comes in between the sun and the earth.,x,,, ,,,,,None of the above.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 32,,ESS,,The removal of top soil by water or wind is called…,,,,, ,,,,,Soil wash.,,,, ,,,,,Soil erosion.,x,,, ,,,,,Soil creep.,,,, ,,,,,Silting of soil.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 33,,LS,,The panda belongs to the same family as that of a…,,,,, ,,,,,Dog.,,,, ,,,,,Cat.,,,, ,,,,,Rabbit.,,,, ,,,,,Bear.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 34,,ESS,,The hardest naturally occurring substance available on earth is…,,,,, ,,,,,Platinum.,,,, ,,,,,Gold.,,,, ,,,,,Diamond.,x,,, ,,,,,Quartz.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 35,,ESS,,The strongest naturally occurring substance readily available on earth is…,,,,, ,,,,,Platinum.,x,,, ,,,,,Gold.,,,, ,,,,,Diamond.,,,, ,,,,,Quartz.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 36,,LS,,What is the strongest biological material on Earth?,,,,, ,,,,,The teeth of shelled aquatic creatures called limpets.,x,,, ,,,,,The tusk of the African Red Rhino.,,,, ,,,,,Spider silk.,,,, ,,,,,Abalone shell.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 37,,LS,,"What creature is able to pull more than 1,100 times its own body weight?",,,,, ,,,,,Elephant.,,,, ,,,,,Dung Beetle.,x,,, ,,,,,Giant Squid.,,,, ,,,,,Anaconda snake.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 38,,PS,,When a gas is cooled it turns into a liquid. What is this called?,,,,, ,,,,,Melting.,,,, ,,,,,Condensing.,x,,, ,,,,,Freezing.,,,, ,,,,,Evaporating.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 39,,PS,,S is the chemical symbol for which element?,,,,, ,,,,,Helium.,,,, ,,,,,Argon.,,,, ,,,,,Tin.,,,, ,,,,,Sulphur.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 40,,PS,,What pH value indicates a neutral solution?,,,,, ,,,,,pH 1,,,, ,,,,,pH 4,,,, ,,,,,pH 7,x,,, ,,,,,pH 10,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,PS,,What is an example of an irreversible change?,,,,, ,,,,,Freezing.,,,, ,,,,,Melting.,,,, ,,,,,Dissolving.,,,, ,,,,,Burning.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 41,,ESS,,What is the closest planet to the Earth?,,,,, ,,,,,Jupiter.,,,, ,,,,,Mercury.,,,, ,,,,,Pluto.,,,, ,,,,,Mars.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 42,,ESS,,How many days does it take the Earth to orbit the sun?,,,,, ,,,,,30,,,, ,,,,,182,,,, ,,,,,365,x,,, ,,,,,540,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 43,,ESS,,What is the name of the first person to land on the moon?,,,,, ,,,,,Buzz Aldrin.,,,, ,,,,,Michael Palin.,,,, ,,,,,Donald Trump.,,,, ,,,,,Neil Armstrong.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 44,,ESS,,What was the first type of animal to go into space?,,,,, ,,,,,A Cat.,,,, ,,,,,A Dog.,x,,, ,,,,,A Rabbit.,,,, ,,,,,A Monkey.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 45,,LS,,What is the fastest growing plant?,,,,, ,,,,,Bamboo.,x,,, ,,,,,Grass.,,,, ,,,,,Cactus.,,,, ,,,,,Potato plant.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 46,,LS,,Which statement is correct? All humans:,,,,, ,,,,,Have brown hair.,,,, ,,,,,Have two ears.,x,,, ,,,,,Have the same length noses.,,,, ,,,,,Weigh the same.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 47,,LS,,What happens to a plant when you leave it in the dark?,,,,, ,,,,,It will get a weak stem and dried up leaves.,,,, ,,,,,It will turn yellow and spindly.,x,,, ,,,,,It will grow green and healthy.,,,, ,,,,,It stops growing.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 48,,PS,,Which of these is a primary color?,,,,, ,,,,,Purple.,,,, ,,,,,Blue.,x,,, ,,,,,Gold.,,,, ,,,,,Silver.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 49,,PS,,Which of these is a magnetic material?,,,,, ,,,,,Wood.,,,, ,,,,,Aluminum.,,,, ,,,,,Marble.,,,, ,,,,,Iron.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 50,,ESS,,Which of the following is a renewable energy source?,,,,, ,,,,,Coal.,,,, ,,,,,Wind.,x,,, ,,,,,Natural Gas.,,,, ,,,,,Oil.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 51,,PS,,If you rub your head with a balloon your hair sticks to the balloon because of static electricity. Why does this work?,,,,, ,,,,,Like charges repel.,,,, ,,,,,Opposite charges repel.,,,, ,,,,,Like charges attract.,,,, ,,,,,Opposite charges attract.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 52,,PS,,What color would a red flag appear in red light?,,,,, ,,,,,Blue.,,,, ,,,,,White.,,,, ,,,,,Black.,,,, ,,,,,Red.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 53,,LS,,What is the male part of the flower called?,,,,, ,,,,,Stamen.,x,,, ,,,,,Sepal.,,,, ,,,,,Carpel.,,,, ,,,,,Nectaries.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 54,,LS,,What happens when a muscle contracts?,,,,, ,,,,,It gets shorter.,,,, ,,,,,It gets longer.,,,, ,,,,,It stays the same size.,,,, ,,,,,All of the above.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 55,,LS,,Which of these microorganisms is harmful?,,,,, ,,,,,Fruit Mold.,x,,, ,,,,,Yeast.,,,, ,,,,,Bacteria in dead leaves.,,,, ,,,,,Bacteria in yogurt.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 56,,LS,,Which part of the body do the ribs protect?,,,,, ,,,,,Heart.,x,,, ,,,,,Kidney.,,,, ,,,,,Brain.,,,, ,,,,,Stomach.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 57,,LS,,The tubes that carry blood away from your heart are called...,,,,, ,,,,,Veins.,,,, ,,,,,Ventricles.,,,, ,,,,,Arteries.,x,,, ,,,,,Valves.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 58,,PS,,Where do plastics come from?,,,,, ,,,,,They come from rocks called ores.,,,, ,,,,,They are made by melting sand.,,,, ,,,,,They are made from synthetic chemicals.,x,,, ,,,,,They come from trees.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 59,,PS,,What is the force produced by two moving surfaces in contact called?,,,,, ,,,,,Mass.,,,, ,,,,,Gravity.,,,, ,,,,,Tension.,,,, ,,,,,Friction.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 60,,ETS,,What type of triangle has 3 equal length sides?,,,,, ,,,,,Isosceles triangle.,,,, ,,,,,Scalene triangle.,,,, ,,,,,Right-angled triangle.,,,, ,,,,,Equilateral triangle.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 61,,ETS,,What do you call an angle that is less than 90°?,,,,, ,,,,,Obtuse.,,,, ,,,,,Obese.,,,, ,,,,,Acute.,x,,, ,,,,,Reflex.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 62,,PS,,What pH value indicates an alkaline solution?,,,,, ,,,,,pH 0,,,, ,,,,,pH 3,,,, ,,,,,pH 7,,,, ,,,,,pH 14,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 63,,PS,,Ethanoic acid is contained in which common household substance?,,,,, ,,,,,Tea.,,,, ,,,,,Vinegar.,x,,, ,,,,,Carbonated drinks.,,,, ,,,,,Lemons.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 64,,PS,,Na is the chemical symbol for which element?,,,,, ,,,,,Potassium.,,,, ,,,,,Sodium.,x,,, ,,,,,Iron.,,,, ,,,,,Zinc.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 65,,PS,,When an acid reacts with a base what is produced?,,,,, ,,,,,A salt.,x,,, ,,,,,Carbon dioxide.,,,, ,,,,,An acid.,,,, ,,,,,Hydrogen gas.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 66,,ESS,,Which of these is an example of metamorphic rock?,,,,, ,,,,,Chalk.,,,, ,,,,,Marble.,x,,, ,,,,,Granite.,,,, ,,,,,Limestone.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 67,,ESS,,How far is the Earth from the sun?,,,,, ,,,,,13 Million miles.,,,, ,,,,,43 Million miles.,,,, ,,,,,93 Million miles.,x,,, ,,,,,203 Million miles.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 68,,ESS,,Which is the 5th planet from the sun?,,,,, ,,,,,Saturn.,,,, ,,,,,Jupiter.,x,,, ,,,,,Uranus.,,,, ,,,,,Earth.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 69,,ESS,,In what year did NASA first land a space craft on Mars?,,,,, ,,,,,1976,x,,, ,,,,,1982,,,, ,,,,,1990,,,, ,,,,,2005,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 70,,ESS,,How many days does it take Mercury to orbit the sun?,,,,, ,,,,,88,x,,, ,,,,,108,,,, ,,,,,188,,,, ,,,,,288,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 71,,ESS,,What do we call an object that is in orbit around a planet?,,,,, ,,,,,A star.,,,, ,,,,,A sun.,,,, ,,,,,A satellite.,x,,, ,,,,,A meteor.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 72,,LS,,Which bird has the largest wingspan of 11 feet?,,,,, ,,,,,Wandering Albatross.,x,,, ,,,,,Golden Eagle.,,,, ,,,,,Vulture.,,,, ,,,,,Ostrich.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 73,,LS,,What is the fastest animal in the world?,,,,, ,,,,,Cheetah.,,,, ,,,,,Peregrine Falcon.,x,,, ,,,,,Lion.,,,, ,,,,,Sailfish.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 74,,LS,,What happens if a goldfish is kept in the dark?,,,,, ,,,,,It goes blind.,,,, ,,,,,It turns white.,x,,, ,,,,,It falls asleep.,,,, ,,,,,It bumps into things.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 75,,LS,,The strawberry is part of which plant family?,,,,, ,,,,,Grass family.,,,, ,,,,,The Rose family.,x,,, ,,,,,Gooseberry family.,,,, ,,,,,Barberry family.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 76,,LS,,How many hearts does an earthworm have?,,,,, ,,,,,1,,,, ,,,,,5,x,,, ,,,,,10,,,, ,,,,,15,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 77,,PS,,Which of the following is not a magnetic material?,,,,, ,,,,,Steel.,,,, ,,,,,Lead.,,,, ,,,,,Aluminum.,x,,, ,,,,,Iron.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 78,,PS,,The heat an object contains is the amount of its thermal energy. What is it measured in?,,,,, ,,,,,Joules.,x,,, ,,,,,Celsius.,,,, ,,,,,Kelvins.,,,, ,,,,,Watts.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 79,,PS,,What is the approximate range of frequencies that can be heard by people with normal hearing?,,,,, ,,,,,2hz-200hz,,,, ,,,,,"20hz-20,000hz",x,,, ,,,,,"2,000hz-200,000hz",,,, ,,,,,"20,000hz-200,000,000hz",,,, ,,,,,,,,, 80,,LS,,What is the function of the cell membrane?,,,,, ,,,,,To control the substances that can go in and out of the cell.,x,,, ,,,,,To give a cell its shape.,,,, ,,,,,To control what happens inside the cell.,,,, ,,,,,It is where chemical reactions happen.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 81,,LS,,Which of these features is an example of continuous variation?,,,,, ,,,,,Gender.,,,, ,,,,,Blood group.,,,, ,,,,,Weight.,x,,, ,,,,,Eye color.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 82,,LS,,Which of these features shows inherited variation?,,,,, ,,,,,Tongue rolling.,x,,, ,,,,,Having a scar.,,,, ,,,,,Pierced ears.,,,, ,,,,,Being able to swim.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 83,,LS,,What sort of joint is the shoulder joint?,,,,, ,,,,,Hinge joint.,,,, ,,,,,Ball and socket joint.,x,,, ,,,,,Pivot joint.,,,, ,,,,,Fixed joint.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 84,,LS,,Where is digested food absorbed into the bloodstream?,,,,, ,,,,,The small intestine.,x,,, ,,,,,The stomach.,,,, ,,,,,The large intestine.,,,, ,,,,,Esophagus.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 85,,LS,,What type of frequencies are too high to be heard by humans?,,,,, ,,,,,Ultrasonic.,x,,, ,,,,,Subsonic.,,,, ,,,,,Megasonic.,,,, ,,,,,Microsonic.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 86,,ETS,,Where is the tallest man made structure in the world?,,,,, ,,,,,New York.,,,, ,,,,,Toronto.,,,, ,,,,,Shang Hai.,,,, ,,,,,Dubai.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 87,,ETS,,Computer storage density is a measure of the quantity of information. What is this measured in?,,,,, ,,,,,Bits.,x,,, ,,,,,Ram.,,,, ,,,,,GB.,,,, ,,,,,Hz.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 88,,ETS,,Electrical engineering is the design of things such as?,Bridges.,,,, ,,,,,Transformers.,x,,, ,,,,,Aircraft.,,,, ,,,,,Engines.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 89,,ESS,,Where on the Earth are the length of days and nights equal?,,,,, ,,,,,North Pole.,,,, ,,,,,The equator.,x,,, ,,,,,South Pole.,,,, ,,,,,At the bottom of the ocean.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 90,,ESS,,What is the center of the Earth called?,,,,, ,,,,,Crust.,,,, ,,,,,Atmosphere.,,,, ,,,,,Mantle.,,,, ,,,,,Core.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 91,,ESS,,What is the highest mountain on Earth?,,,,, ,,,,,Mount Everest.,x,,, ,,,,,Mount Snowdon.,,,, ,,,,,Mount Kilimanjaro.,,,, ,,,,,Mount Olympus.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 92,,ESS,,Where is the coldest place on Earth?,,,,, ,,,,,Scotland.,,,, ,,,,,Antarctica.,x,,, ,,,,,Iceland.,,,, ,,,,,Russia.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 93,,ESS,, Approximately how many people live on the Earth?,,,,, ,,,,,"7,000",,,, ,,,,,70 million,,,, ,,,,,7 billion,x,,, ,,,,,7 trillion,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 94,,LS,,What is the largest animal in the world?,,,,, ,,,,,Giant Squid.,,,, ,,,,,Rhinoceros.,,,, ,,,,,Eagle.,,,, ,,,,,Blue Whale.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 95,,LS,,Why do African elephants have big ears?,,,,, ,,,,,So they can fly.,,,, ,,,,,To keep them cool.,x,,, ,,,,,So they can hear better.,,,, ,,,,,To keep them warm.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 96,,LS,,How many years of its life do stag beetles spend as larvae?,1,,,, ,,,,,3,x,,, ,,,,,10,,,, ,,,,,13,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 97,,LS,,Where does the corncrake spend the winter?,,,,, ,,,,,Africa.,x,,, ,,,,,Australia.,,,, ,,,,,Europe.,,,, ,,,,,Antarctica.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 98,,LS,,Which of the following is NOT a species of tiger?,,,,, ,,,,,Bengal Tiger.,,,, ,,,,,Siberian Tiger.,,,, ,,,,,African Tiger.,x,,, ,,,,,Malayan Tiger.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 99,,ETS,,Where are the fuel tanks stored in an airplane?,,,,, ,,,,,At the back of the plane.,,,, ,,,,,In the wings of the plane.,x,,, ,,,,,At the front of the plane.,,,, ,,,,,In the middle of the plane.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 100,,ETS,,What shapes make up the structure of a bee hive?,,,,, ,,,,,Circles.,,,, ,,,,,Triangles.,,,, ,,,,,Hexagons.,x,,, ,,,,,Squares.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 101,,ETS,,How high is the Empire State Building (not including its lightning rod)?,,,,, ,,,,,250 Feet.,,,, ,,,,,"1,250 Feet.",x,,, ,,,,,"2,808 Feet.",,,, ,,,,,5280 Feet.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 102,,ETS,,Who invented the internet?,,,,, ,,,,,Isaac Newton.,,,, ,,,,,Bill Gates.,,,, ,,,,,Tim Berners-Lee.,x,,, ,,,,,Al Gore.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 103,,ETS,,"If you are facing east and you turn clockwise 90 degrees, which direction will you be facing?",,,,, ,,,,,North.,,,, ,,,,,South.,x,,, ,,,,,East.,,,, ,,,,,West.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 104,,PS,,N is the chemical symbol for...,,,,, ,,,,,Nitrogen.,x,,, ,,,,,Nickel.,,,, ,,,,,Neon.,,,, ,,,,,Niobium.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 105,,PS,,Which of the following is generally not a property of a metal?,,,,, ,,,,,Shiny.,,,, ,,,,,Transparent.,x,,, ,,,,,A conductor.,,,, ,,,,,Magnetic.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 106,,PS,,What is the chemical symbol for water?,,,,, ,,,,,H2O,x,,, ,,,,,HO2,,,, ,,,,,HOO,,,, ,,,,,HO,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 107,,PS,,What is the center of an atom called?,,,,, ,,,,,The middle.,,,, ,,,,,The core.,,,, ,,,,,The nucleus.,x,,, ,,,,,The nebulus.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 108,,LS,,What do you call an animal that hunts and eats other animals?,,,,, ,,,,,Prey.,,,, ,,,,,Consumer.,,,, ,,,,,Predator.,x,,, ,,,,,Producer.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 109,,LS,,What is the longest bone in the human body?,,,,, ,,,,,The femur (thigh bone).,x,,, ,,,,,The spine.,,,, ,,,,,The tibia (shin bone).,,,, ,,,,,The Humerus (upper arm).,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 110,,LS,,Which of these animals are you NOT likely to find in a U.S. park or garden?,,,,, ,,,,,A stag beetle.,,,, ,,,,,A bumblebee.,,,, ,,,,,A koala bear.,x,,, ,,,,,A fox.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 111,,ESS,,Which of the following is an example of an igneous rock?,,,,, ,,,,,Gypsum.,,,, ,,,,,Marble.,,,, ,,,,,Granite.,x,,, ,,,,,Chalk.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 112,,ESS,,Which of these is most likely to live in a forest?,,,,, ,,,,,A crab.,,,, ,,,,,An owl.,x,,, ,,,,,A frog.,,,, ,,,,,A zebra.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 113,,LS,,What is the main job of a flower’s petals?,,,,, ,,,,,To attract insects to the flower.,x,,, ,,,,,To provide food for insects.,,,, ,,,,,To make pollen.,,,, ,,,,,To look nice for humans.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 114,,ESS,,How long does it take for the moon to travel once around the Earth?,,,,, ,,,,,1 day.,,,, ,,,,,27 days.,x,,, ,,,,,7 days.,,,, ,,,,,365 days.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 115,,ESS,,Earth is located in which galaxy?,,,,, ,,,,,The Sunflower Galaxy.,,,, ,,,,,The Tadpole Galaxy.,,,, ,,,,,Andromeda.,,,, ,,,,,The Milky Way.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 116,,ESS,,How many planets from the Sun is the Earth?,,,,, ,,,,,1,,,, ,,,,,3,x,,, ,,,,,5,,,, ,,,,,7,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 117,,ETS,,"What shape are the Earth, Sun and Moon?",,,,, ,,,,,Spherical.,x,,, ,,,,,Square.,,,, ,,,,,Round and flat.,,,, ,,,,,Cylinder.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 118,,ESS,,Which of these animals has never been to space?,,,,, ,,,,,Monkey.,,,, ,,,,,Dog.,,,, ,,,,,Guinea pig.,,,, ,,,,,Horse.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 119,,ESS,,Which of the following does NOT naturally make up part of the Earth’s atmosphere?,,,,, ,,,,,Krypton.,,,, ,,,,,Methane.,,,, ,,,,,Nitrogen.,,,, ,,,,,Chlorine.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 120,,PS,,"The look, feel, taste, sound, or smell of an object are...",,,,, ,,,,,Mental properties.,,,, ,,,,,Physical properties.,x,,, ,,,,,Life cycle.,,,, ,,,,,Objectification.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 121,,PS,,This force pulls objects down or toward each other.,,,,, ,,,,,Mass.,,,, ,,,,,Weight.,,,, ,,,,,Gravity.,x,,, ,,,,,Linear drop.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 122,,ESS,,How much of the Earth’s surface is covered in water?,,,,, ,,,,,20–25%,,,, ,,,,,50–55%,,,, ,,,,,70–75%,x,,, ,,,,,90–95%,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 123,,ESS,,"Which is the largest ocean in the world, covering about 1/3 of the Earth’s surface?",,,,, ,,,,,Indian Ocean.,,,, ,,,,,Arctic Ocean.,,,, ,,,,,Atlantic Ocean.,,,, ,,,,,Pacific Ocean.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 124,,ESS,,How old is the Earth?,,,,, ,,,,,"4,600 years old.",,,, ,,,,,4.6 million years old.,,,, ,,,,,4.6 billion years old.,x,,, ,,,,,4.6 trillion years old.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 125,,ESS,,Most of the Earth’s fresh water is found in what form?,,,,, ,,,,,Polar ice caps,x,,, ,,,,,Clouds.,,,, ,,,,,Spring and river water.,,,, ,,,,,Water in the oceans.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 126,,LS,,Which animal has its taste receptors in its feet and tastes food by standing on top of it?,,,,, ,,,,,Butterfly.,x,,, ,,,,,Hippopotamus.,,,, ,,,,,Bats.,,,, ,,,,,Geckos.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 127,,"ESS, LS",,Why do polar bears not eat penguins?,,,,, ,,,,,Because they are vegetarian.,,,, ,,,,,Because penguins are too fast for them to catch.,,,, ,,,,,Because polar bears live in the North Pole and penguins live in the South Pole.,x,,, ,,,,,Because penguins are poisonous to polar bears.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 128,,LS,,Which of these animals is now extinct?,,,,, ,,,,,The Panda.,,,, ,,,,,The Passenger pigeon.,x,,, ,,,,,The greater horseshoe bat.,,,, ,,,,,The Chinese giant salamander.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 129,,ETS,,In what year was the first video game called “Tennis for Two” created?,,,,, ,,,,,1938,,,, ,,,,,1958,x,,, ,,,,,1978,,,, ,,,,,1998,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 130,,ETS,,What type of bridge is the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco?,,,,, ,,,,,Suspension Bridge.,x,,, ,,,,,Arch Bridge.,,,, ,,,,,Beam Bridge.,,,, ,,,,,Cable-stayed Bridge.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 131,,ETS,,The tallest Dam in the world is the Jinping-I Dam in China. How tall is it?,,,,, ,,,,,35 meters.,,,, ,,,,,305 meters.,x,,, ,,,,,3000 meters.,,,, ,,,,,"30,000 meters.",,,, ,,,,,,,,, 132,,ETS,,Which of the following has not been used to power a car?,,,,, ,,,,,Light.,,,, ,,,,,Steam.,,,, ,,,,,Electricity.,,,, ,,,,,Nuclear.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 133,,ETS,,In what year was the first supersonic land-speed record by Thrust SSC in the Black Rock Desert USA?,,,,, ,,,,,1970,,,, ,,,,,1983,,,, ,,,,,1994,,,, ,,,,,1997,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 134,,PS,Chemistry,Au is the chemical symbol for which element?,,,,, ,,,,,Iron.,,,, ,,,,,Aluminum.,,,, ,,,,,Gold.,x,,, ,,,,,Lead. ,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 135,,PS,Chemistry,Which of the following is not a noble gas?,,,,, ,,,,,Chlorine.,x,,, ,,,,,Neon.,,,, ,,,,,Argon.,,,, ,,,,,Krypton.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 136,,PS,Chemistry,What is the most abundant metal in the Earth’s crust?,,,,, ,,,,,Lead.,,,, ,,,,,Iron.,,,, ,,,,,Magnesium.,,,, ,,,,,Aluminum.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 137,,PS,Chemistry,What are the horizontal rows on the periodic table called?,,,,, ,,,,,Periods.,x,,, ,,,,,Groups.,,,, ,,,,,Metals.,,,, ,,,,,Sets.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 138,,PS,Chemistry,What color does blue litmus paper turn when dipped in an alkaline solution?,,,,, ,,,,,Red.,,,, ,,,,,Stays blue.,x,,, ,,,,,Green.,,,, ,,,,,Purple.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 139,,LS,Biology,Which of the following is NOT found in an animal cell but is found in a plant cell?,,,,, ,,,,,Cell wall.,x,,, ,,,,,Cytoplasm.,,,, ,,,,,Vacuole.,,,, ,,,,,Nucleus.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 140,,LS,Biology,Which part of a food chain is affected by one animal becoming extinct?,,,,, ,,,,,The whole food chain is affected.,x,,, ,,,,,Only animals at the top of the food chain are affected.,,,, ,,,,,Only plants and animals at the bottom of the food chain are affected.,,,, ,,,,,The food chain is not affected at all.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 141,,LS,Biology,Which of the following is an example of discontinuous variation?,,,,, ,,,,,Weight.,,,, ,,,,,Height.,,,, ,,,,,Eye color.,x,,, ,,,,,Foot length.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 142,,LS,Biology,Where in the body is most food digested?,,,,, ,,,,,The stomach.,,,, ,,,,,The small intestine.,x,,, ,,,,,The gullet.,,,, ,,,,,The throat.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 143,,ESS,,How many planets from the Sun is Uranus?,,,,, ,,,,,1,,,, ,,,,,3,,,, ,,,,,5,,,, ,,,,,7,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 144,,ESS,,How many people have walked on the moon?,,,,, ,,,,,3,,,, ,,,,,6,,,, ,,,,,12,x,,, ,,,,,24,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 145,,ESS,,Which of these are magnetic poles?,,,,, ,,,,,East and West.,,,, ,,,,,North and South.,x,,, ,,,,,Red and Blue.,,,, ,,,,,Up and Down.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 146,,ESS,,What is thermal energy measured in?,,,,, ,,,,,Newtons (N).,,,, ,,,,,Mole (mol).,,,, ,,,,,Joules (J).,x,,, ,,,,,Grams (g).,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 147,,ESS,,Batteries store what type of energy?,,,,, ,,,,,Chemical energy.,x,,, ,,,,,Electric energy.,,,, ,,,,,Kinetic energy.,,,, ,,,,,Thermal energy.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 148,,LS,,How do honey bees communicate with other bees to tell them where to find food?,,,,, ,,,,,By buzzing.,,,, ,,,,,By giving off a smell.,,,, ,,,,,By dancing.,x,,, ,,,,,By singing.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 149,,LS,,Which of these is a form of communication?,,,,, ,,,,,Dancing.,,,, ,,,,,Texting.,,,, ,,,,,Secreting chemicals.,,,, ,,,,,They are all forms of communication.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 150,,ETS,,"If you wanted to send a message across the US in 1845, what method could you use?",,,,, ,,,,,Telegram.,x,,, ,,,,,Telephone.,,,, ,,,,,Email.,,,, ,,,,,Walkie talkie.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 151,,LS,,How do plants communicate between their different parts?,,,,, ,,,,,Using chemicals.,x,,, ,,,,,By talking to one another.,,,, ,,,,,Sending a text message.,,,, ,,,,,They don’t.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 152,,LS,,Which animal has the most powerful voice in the animal kingdom?,,,,, ,,,,,Gorilla.,,,, ,,,,,Elephant.,,,, ,,,,,Buffalo.,,,, ,,,,,Blue whale.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 153,,ETS,,Which of the following materials is man-made?,,,,, ,,,,,Metal.,,,, ,,,,,Wood.,,,, ,,,,,Plastic.,x,,, ,,,,,Wool.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 154,,PS,,Where would you NOT be able to hear your friend scream?,,,,, ,,,,,Underwater.,,,, ,,,,,In a rain forest.,,,, ,,,,,On top of a mountain.,,,, ,,,,,In space.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 155,,ESS,,What is in orbit around the Earth?,,,,, ,,,,,The Sun.,,,, ,,,,,The Moon.,x,,, ,,,,,Jupiter.,,,, ,,,,,Pluto.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 156,,ESS,,Which of the following is not a planet?,,,,, ,,,,,Earth.,,,, ,,,,,Pluto.,x,,, ,,,,,Jupiter.,,,, ,,,,,Mercury.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 157,,PS,,"When a beam of light hits a mirror, it is…",,,,, ,,,,,Rectified.,,,, ,,,,,Absorbed.,,,, ,,,,,Amplified.,,,, ,,,,,Reflected.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 158,,ETS,,"The tallest building in the world is the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, UAE. How tall is it?",,,,, ,,,,,104 meters.,,,, ,,,,,828 meters.,x,,, ,,,,,"1,916 meters.",,,, ,,,,,"3,019 meters.",,,, ,,,,,,,,, 159,,ETS,,Who invented the telescope?,,,,, ,,,,,Alexander Graham Bell.,,,, ,,,,,Warby Parker.,,,, ,,,,,Galileo Galilei.,x,,, ,,,,,Julius Caesar.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 160,,ETS,,How did the Romans supply water to their towns?,,,,, ,,,,,Hose pipes.,,,, ,,,,,Aqueducts.,x,,, ,,,,,Buckets.,,,, ,,,,,Bottles.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 161,,ETS,,Which of these is not a job for an engineer?,,,,, ,,,,,Designing theme park rides.,,,, ,,,,,Designing airplanes.,,,, ,,,,,Making special materials for trainers.,,,, ,,,,,Digging up dinosaur bones.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 162,,PS,,Which of the following is an example of a REVERSIBLE process?,,,,, ,,,,,Burning rocket fuel.,,,, ,,,,,Baking a cake.,,,, ,,,,,Melting ice.,x,,, ,,,,,A piece of iron going rusty.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 163,,PS,,Air is a…,,,,, ,,,,,Solid.,,,, ,,,,,Liquid.,,,, ,,,,,Gas.,x,,, ,,,,,Magma.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 164,,PS,,Lemon juice is an example of:,,,,, ,,,,,A strong acid.,,,, ,,,,,A poison.,,,, ,,,,,A weak acid.,x,,, ,,,,,An alkaline.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 165,,PS,,"In the chemical formula CO2, the symbol C represents which element?",,,,, ,,,,,Chlorine.,,,, ,,,,,Iron.,,,, ,,,,,Carbon.,x,,, ,,,,,Calcium.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 166,,PS,,What are the states of water?,,,,, ,,,,,"Ice, water, steam.",x,,, ,,,,,"Ice, water, air.",,,, ,,,,,"Water, air.",,,, ,,,,,"Ice, water.",,,, ,,,,,,,,, 167,,LS,,What is your heart made from?,,,,, ,,,,,Bone.,,,, ,,,,,Fat.,,,, ,,,,,Skin.,,,, ,,,,,Muscle.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 168,,LS,,Dinosaurs are most closely related to modern day...,,,,, ,,,,,Birds.,x,,, ,,,,,Bacteria.,,,, ,,,,,Mammals.,,,, ,,,,,Fish.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 169,,LS,,"In plants, what is the main job of a leaf?",,,,, ,,,,,To make new plants.,,,, ,,,,,To collect water from the soil.,,,, ,,,,,To attract insects to the flower.,,,, ,,,,,To make food for the plant.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 170,,LS,,"In one year, roughly how much skin will your body shed?",,,,, ,,,,,1.6 lb.,x,,, ,,,,,3.5 lb.,,,, ,,,,,8 lb.,,,, ,,,,,10.2 lb.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 171,,LS,,"In your lifetime, roughly how much skin will your body shed?",,,,, ,,,,,1.6 lb.,,,, ,,,,,16 lb.,,,, ,,,,,62 lb.,,,, ,,,,,115 lb.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 172,,LS,,Gorillas stick their tongues out at one another because they are…,,,,, ,,,,,Tired.,,,, ,,,,,Angry.,x,,, ,,,,,Sad.,,,, ,,,,,Happy.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 173,,PS,,Which of the following does not cause play dough to change shape?,,,,, ,,,,,Picking it up.,x,,, ,,,,,Squashing it.,,,, ,,,,,Twisting it.,,,, ,,,,,Stretching it.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 174,,ETS,,Which of these buildings/structures would you find in the US?,,,,, ,,,,,Taipei 101.,,,, ,,,,,The Empire State Building.,x,,, ,,,,,The Eiffel Tower.,,,, ,,,,,Big Ben.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 175,,PS,,"When a substance changes from a solid to a liquid, what is the process called?",,,,, ,,,,,Boiling.,,,, ,,,,,Melting.,x,,, ,,,,,Escaping.,,,, ,,,,,Freezing.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 176,,LS,,How much does the average adult human brain weigh?,,,,, ,,,,,1.3 g,,,, ,,,,,13g,,,, ,,,,,1300 g,x,,, ,,,,,13 kg,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 177,,ETS,,In which century was the telephone invented?,,,,, ,,,,,1700s.,,,, ,,,,,1800s.,x,,, ,,,,,1900s.,,,, ,,,,,2000s.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 178,,LS,,Which of these living things DO NOT communicate using sound waves?,,,,, ,,,,,Lion.,,,, ,,,,,Plants.,x,,, ,,,,,Whales.,,,, ,,,,,People.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 179,,PS,,What type of signal does a mobile phone give off?,,,,, ,,,,,Ultra violet light.,,,, ,,,,,Microwaves.,x,,, ,,,,,X rays.,,,, ,,,,,Laser.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 180,,ETS,,Who invented the television?,,,,, ,,,,,Sir Isaac Newton.,,,, ,,,,,John Logie Baird.,x,,, ,,,,,Charles Macintosh.,,,, ,,,,,Alexander Graham Bell.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 181,,ETS,,A person who has a tiny device attached to their cochlea is being helped to do what?,,,,, ,,,,,See.,,,, ,,,,,Talk.,,,, ,,,,,Hear.,x,,, ,,,,,Smell.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 182,,"ETS, PS",,Which famous scientist has a unit of force named after them?,,,,, ,,,,,Marie Curie.,,,, ,,,,,Sir Isaac Newton.,x,,, ,,,,,Michael Faraday.,,,, ,,,,,James Watt.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 183,,PS,,What travels fastest?,,,,, ,,,,,Cheetah.,,,, ,,,,,Sound.,,,, ,,,,,Light.,x,,, ,,,,,Liquid.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 184,,PS,,"When light hits a prism, what happens?",,,,, ,,,,,"Light is refracted, showing a spectrum of colors.",x,,, ,,,,,Light is absorbed.,,,, ,,,,,The prism changes color.,,,, ,,,,,The light is reflected.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 185,,PS,,What cannot travel through a vacuum?,,,,, ,,,,,Sound.,x,,, ,,,,,Light.,,,, ,,,,,Radiation.,,,, ,,,,,Particles.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 186,,ETS,,Who of the following was not an engineer?,,,,, ,,,,,George Stevenson.,,,, ,,,,,Charles Darwin.,x,,, ,,,,,Isambard Kingdom Brunel.,,,, ,,,,,John Logie Baird.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 187,,ETS,,In which decade was the World Wide Web invented?,,,,, ,,,,,1980s.,x,,, ,,,,,1950s.,,,, ,,,,,1920s.,,,, ,,,,,1890s.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 188,,PS,,Which has the lowest melting point?,,,,, ,,,,,Water.,,,, ,,,,,Mercury.,x,,, ,,,,,Aluminum.,,,, ,,,,,Iron.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 189,,PS,,What is the difference between a mixture and a compound?,,,,, ,,,,,"A compound is the result of a chemical reaction, a mixture is not.",x,,, ,,,,,"A mixture contains lots of elements, a compound only contains one.",,,, ,,,,,"A compound must contain oxygen, a mixture does not.",,,, ,,,,,"A mixture is the result of a chemical reaction, a compound is not.",,,, ,,,,,,,,, 190,,PS,,Which of these is NOT an example of a chemical reaction?,,,,, ,,,,,Fruit ripening.,,,, ,,,,,Cooking.,,,, ,,,,,Burning.,,,, ,,,,,A laser.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 191,,PS,,"When iron reacts with oxygen and water, what happens?",,,,, ,,,,,It melts.,,,, ,,,,,It loses mass.,,,, ,,,,,It becomes brighter.,,,, ,,,,,It rusts.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 192,,PS,,Which is the smallest?,,,,, ,,,,,Atom.,x,,, ,,,,,Bacteria.,,,, ,,,,,Virus.,,,, ,,,,,Cell.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 193,,ESS,,A tidal wave or “tsunami” is caused by what?,,,Lev 1,, ,,,,,Strong wind.,,,, ,,,,,Very high tide.,,,, ,,,,,An earthquake under the sea.,x,,, ,,,,,Speedboats.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 194,,LS,,What is the fastest land animal?,,,,, ,,,,,Lion.,,,, ,,,,,Cheetah.,x,,, ,,,,,Horse.,,,, ,,,,,Alligator.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 195,,LS,,What in our bodies do we use to make us move?,,,,, ,,,,,Muscles.,x,,, ,,,,,Bones.,,,, ,,,,,Skin.,,,, ,,,,,Hair.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 196,,LS,,Which of the following cannot move on its own?,,,,, ,,,,,A human.,,,, ,,,,,A snake.,,,, ,,,,,A plant.,,,, ,,,,,A rock.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 197,,PS,,Wind is the movement of what?,,,,, ,,,,,Air.,x,,, ,,,,,Water.,,,, ,,,,,Dust.,,,, ,,,,,Ice.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 198,,PS,,"If the forces acting on something are equal, what will happen to the way it moves?",,,,, ,,,,,It will speed up.,,,, ,,,,,It will disappear.,,,, ,,,,,It will slow down.,,,, ,,,,,Nothing.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 199,,"PS, LS",,A shark can swim fast because of its…,,,,, ,,,,,Sharp teeth.,,,, ,,,,,Good sense of smell.,,,, ,,,,,Long pointed body.,x,,, ,,,,,Patterned skin.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 200,,ESS,,Why is it dark at night?,,,,, ,,,,,The sun goes behind the moon.,,,, ,,,,,The sun is on the opposite side of the earth to us.,x,,, ,,,,,The sun goes into the sea.,,,, ,,,,,The sun goes behind the clouds.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 201,,PS,,An object that does not let light pass through it is called…,,,,, ,,,,,Solid.,,,, ,,,,,Transparent.,,,, ,,,,,Opaque.,x,,, ,,,,,Thick.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 202,,PS,,"If a loud car zooms past you, what happens to the sound it makes as it moves further away?",,,,, ,,,,,It gets louder.,,,, ,,,,,It gets quieter.,x,,, ,,,,,It gets higher.,,,, ,,,,,It stops suddenly.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 203,,ETS,,When was the first call made on a hand held mobile phone?,,,,, ,,,,,1956,,,, ,,,,,1973,x,,, ,,,,,1989,,,, ,,,,,2003,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 204,,ETS,,What is the fastest land vehicle in the world?,,,,, ,,,,,Ferrari Enzo.,,,, ,,,,,Thrust SSC.,x,,, ,,,,,Williams FW33 formula 1 car.,,,, ,,,,,Volkswagen Beetle.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 205,,ETS,,An engineer who works to improve the natural environment is called …,,,,, ,,,,,An aerospace engineer.,,,, ,,,,,A civil engineer.,,,, ,,,,,A mechanical engineer.,,,, ,,,,,An environmental engineer.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 206,,"LS, ETS",,Why are some drill bits and saw blades diamond tipped?,,,,, ,,,,,Because it’s really hard.,x,,, ,,,,,Because it sparkles.,,,, ,,,,,Because it’s cheap.,,,, ,,,,,Because it’s light.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 207,,ETS,,"If you were choosing material to make a mop, the best material would be one that is:",,,,, ,,,,,Hard.,,,, ,,,,,Dirty.,,,, ,,,,,Absorbent.,x,,, ,,,,,Transparent.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 208,,PS,,Which one of the following is a chemical?,,,,, ,,,,,Bleach.,,,, ,,,,,Sugar.,,,, ,,,,,Vinegar.,,,, ,,,,,They are all chemicals.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 209,,PS,,If you hold an ice cube in your warm hand it will eventually turn to what?,,,,, ,,,,,Sweat.,,,, ,,,,,Ice.,,,, ,,,,,Steam.,,,, ,,,,,Water.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 210,,PS,,Which of the following is not a gas?,,,,, ,,,,,Carbon dioxide.,,,, ,,,,,Oxygen.,,,, ,,,,,Steam.,,,, ,,,,,Ice.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 211,,PS. ETS,,What is dynamite?,,,,, ,,,,,A type of soap.,,,, ,,,,,An explosive.,x,,, ,,,,,A type of toothpaste.,,,, ,,,,,Something you spread on bread.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 212,,LS,,Which of these foods does not come from a plant?,,,,, ,,,,,Carrot.,,,, ,,,,,Lettuce.,,,, ,,,,,Banana.,,,, ,,,,,Cheese.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 213,,LS,,Which of the following is a predator?,,,,, ,,,,,Fox.,x,,, ,,,,,Mouse.,,,, ,,,,,Rabbit.,,,, ,,,,,Pigeon.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 214,,LS,,Which of the following animals moves by flying?,,,,, ,,,,,Horse.,,,, ,,,,,Grey squirrel.,,,, ,,,,,Penguin.,,,, ,,,,,Bee.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 215,,LS,,What is the biggest fish in the world?,,,,, ,,,,,Tuna fish.,,,, ,,,,,Whale shark.,x,,, ,,,,,Swordfish.,,,, ,,,,,Goldfish.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 216,,ESS,,What are the moving plates of the earth’s crust called?,,,,, ,,,,,Dinner plates.,,,, ,,,,,Tectonic plates.,x,,, ,,,,,Volcanic plates.,,,, ,,,,,Hydraulic plates.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 217,,LS,,"When animals move a long way to another habitat in search of food, it is known as…",,,,, ,,,,,Immigration.,,,, ,,,,,Moving house.,,,, ,,,,,Migration.,x,,, ,,,,,Displacement.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 218,,ESS,,The sea has two high tides and two low tides per day. What causes the sea to move like this?,,,,, ,,,,,The gravitational pull of the sun and the moon.,x,,, ,,,,,Wind.,,,, ,,,,,The earth’s magnetic field.,,,, ,,,,,The heat of the sun.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 219,,ESS,, What is the name given to the rocks in orbit around the Sun between Mars and Jupiter?,,,,, ,,,,,Satellites.,,,, ,,,,,Moons.,,,, ,,,,,Asteroids.,x,,, ,,,,,Kuiper belt objects.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 220,,"PS, ETS",,A wind turbine transforms movement energy mainly into what other form of energy?,,,,, ,,,,,Heat.,,,, ,,,,,Sound.,,,, ,,,,,Light.,,,, ,,,,,Electrical.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 221,,ESS,,How long does the earth take to complete one orbit of the sun?,,,,, ,,,,,A day.,,,, ,,,,,A week.,,,, ,,,,,A month.,,,, ,,,,,A year.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 222,,PS,,What type of materials are good thermal conductors and good electrical conductors?,,,,, ,,,,,Plastics.,,,, ,,,,,Glass.,,,, ,,,,,Metals.,x,,, ,,,,,Ceramics.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 223,,PS,,"In Albert Einstein’s famous equation, E=mc², what does the letter E stand for?",,,,, ,,,,,Einstein.,,,, ,,,,,Energy.,x,,, ,,,,,Explosion.,,,, ,,,,,Entropy.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 224,,ETS,,How could an engineer help reduce the amount of greenhouse gasses we produce?,,,,, ,,,,,By designing faster ways of digging coal from the ground.,,,, ,,,,,By studying the effects of greenhouse gasses on our climate.,,,, ,,,,,By building extra power stations.,,,, ,,,,,By designing cars that use less fuel.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 225,,ETS,,What kind of engineer might help to produce artificial limbs for humans?,,,,, ,,,,,Automotive engineer,,,, ,,,,,Electrical engineer,,,, ,,,,,Biomedical engineer,x,,, ,,,,,Aeronautical engineer,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 226,,ETS,,What is the Guinness world speed record for a solar powered car?,,,,, ,,,,,74 kilometers per hour.,,,, ,,,,,88 kilometers per hour.,x,,, ,,,,,97 kilometers per hour.,,,, ,,,,,115 kilometers per hour.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 227,,PS,,"To separate solid salt from a solution, what would you do to the solution?",,,,, ,,,,,Filter it.,,,, ,,,,,Heat it to evaporate the liquid.,x,,, ,,,,,Drink the solution.,,,, ,,,,,Cool the solution to zero degrees Celsius.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 228,,PS,,A kettle boiling is an example of…,,,,, ,,,,,An irreversible process.,,,, ,,,,,A chemical reaction.,,,, ,,,,,An oxidation reaction.,,,, ,,,,,A change of state.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 229,,PS,,Roughly how many atoms make up the head of a pin?,,,,, ,,,,,One thousand.,,,, ,,,,,One million.,,,, ,,,,,One trillion.,,,, ,,,,,One billion trillion.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 230,,PS,,Rusting is an example of what kind of reaction?,,,,, ,,,,,Reversible.,,,, ,,,,,Physical.,,,, ,,,,,Irreversible.,x,,, ,,,,,Explosive.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 231,,PS,,Which is the only pure metal that is liquid at room temperature?,,,,, ,,,,,Iron.,,,, ,,,,,Tin.,,,, ,,,,,Tungsten.,,,, ,,,,,Mercury.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 232,,LS,,Yeast and bacteria are examples of...,,,,, ,,,,,Elements.,,,, ,,,,,Plants.,,,, ,,,,,Micro-organisms.,x,,, ,,,,,Mammals.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 233,,LS,,"As well as certain nutrients and oxygen, what other three things do plants need to grow?",,,,, ,,,,,"Sugar, air and water.",,,, ,,,,,"Carbon dioxide, water and light.",x,,, ,,,,,"Earth, wind and fire.",,,, ,,,,,"Shade, air and sand.",,,, ,,,,,,,,, 234,,LS,,Which organ in your body contains hydrochloric acid?,,,,, ,,,,,Stomach.,x,,, ,,,,,Eye.,,,, ,,,,,Liver.,,,, ,,,,,Kidneys.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 235,,"LS, ETS",,Excess fertilizers from fields that wash into rivers and streams can cause algae to overgrow. What is the main problem with this?,,,,, ,,,,,The algae looks bad.,,,, ,,,,,All algae is poisonous.,,,, ,,,,,The algae smells horrible.,,,, ,,,,,"Algae blocks out light, causing other water plants to die.",x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 236,,LS,,"What proportion of food crops are pollinated by insects, birds or animals?",,,,, ,,,,,One third.,,,, ,,,,,Two thirds.,x,,, ,,,,,All of them.,,,, ,,,,,None of them.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 237,,PS,,What is the approximate speed of light?,,,,, ,,,,,Three thousand meters per second.,,,, ,,,,,Three million meters per second.,,,, ,,,,,Three hundred million meters per second.,x,,, ,,,,,Three billion meters per second.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 238,,ETS,,"If you are facing north and you turn counter-clockwise 90 degrees, which direction will you be facing?",,,,, ,,,,,North.,,,, ,,,,,South.,,,, ,,,,,East.,,,, ,,,,,West.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 239,,ETS,,"If you are facing west and you turn clockwise 180 degrees, which direction will you be facing?",,,,, ,,,,,North.,,,, ,,,,,South.,,,, ,,,,,East.,x,,, ,,,,,West.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 240,,ETS,,"If you are facing south and you turn clockwise 90 degrees, which direction will you be facing?",,,,, ,,,,,North.,,,, ,,,,,South.,,,, ,,,,,East.,,,, ,,,,,West.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 241,,ETS,,"If you are facing north and you turn clockwise 270 degrees, which direction will you be facing?",,,,, ,,,,,North.,,,, ,,,,,South.,,,, ,,,,,East.,,,, ,,,,,West.,x,,, ,,,,,,,,, 242,,ETS,,"If you are facing east and you turn counter-clockwise 90 degrees, which direction will you be facing?",,,,, ,,,,,North.,x,,, ,,,,,South.,,,, ,,,,,East.,,,, ,,,,,West.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 243,,LS,Biology,Ducklings will sometimes treat a person as their mother. What is this as example of?,,,,, ,,,,,Instinct.,,,, ,,,,,Imprinting.,x,,, ,,,,,Conditioning.,,,, ,,,,,Imitation.,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 244,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 245,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 246,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 247,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 248,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 249,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 250,,,,,,,,,